This is me right now.
Please forgive any typos or weirdness in these links. I am writing this post in a Friday evening while fairly exhausted and dealing with a chest infection. And I’m not really that tired of the Olympics, I just can’t think of a better title.
The Readercon board issues a very good statement re the recent harassment issues. I have faith in humanity and fandom after this.
Something everyone should damn well read: My friend group has a case of the Creepy Dude. How do we clear that up?
John Scalzi gives a guide on how not to be a creeper.
5 ways you don’t realise movies are controlling your brain.
Justine Larbalestier talks about the point of process porn.
World Fantasy Awards finalists are announced. I am especially excited to see Cat Valente’s Silently, and Very Fast garner another nomination.
The Mythopoeic Awards winners are announced.
Justine Musk tells us the most badass thing you can do as a creative.
Sarah Diemer released two new stories: “Like a double rainbow, only better!”
Tansy Rayner Roberts talks about writing and motherhood.
Chuck Wendig gives us 25 ways to survive as a creative person
The men of steampunk. <– Can we just bring back formal dress for men as an everyday thing, please? At least bowler hats and waistcoats, k?
Tehani Wessely talks about the Aurealis Awards,
Write about what makes you angry.
If something happens in your story, your characters must earn it.
The secret weapon of creating effective heroes.
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