So, yesterday Spotify launched in Australia. I pounced joined up and am now happily enjoying streaming music. Not sure as of yet if it’s going to be worth paying for a subscription. I don’t mind ads. We’ll see.
Another glorious day in Perth today: clear blue skies, though it’s cold this morning (where cold is a value of less than 10C for us, which is probably warm for some of you reading this. Remember, it gets to 40C here in summer, we don’t do cold that well!). There’s some frost on the lawn this morning, too, which always looks gorgeous.
I am meandering my way towards the end of this draft of Never and am reminded, as always, by how much I hate writing endings. I am sorely tempted to just outline these last few scenes and go back and start editing. I’ve written this in an odd way – I’m working from an outline, but I’m doing a fair bit of pantsing in between my outline points. It means that I have a few subplots to go and put in and stuff to clarify. Plus, I need to do some scene rearranging. Luckily I love editing 😉
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