science fiction and fantasy author

Tag: potd 2013

POTD: A reminder of who I am

POTD: A reminder

The full quote: “Don’t forget – no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell.”
― Charles de LintThe Blue Girl

POTD: Shiny things in the mail edition

POTD: John Green box set

John Green limited edition signed box set.  Technically a Christmas present, since it was purchased with Christmas money.

Today included attending the funeral for my husband’s grandmother, which is why there’s nothing more involved for today’s photo.  But the books did arrive today.  I have become a bit of a John Green fan girl (and a nerdfighter) of late.

POTD 2013: Jilly


Jilly, cat who is extremely difficult to photograph, enjoying the open doors.  She’s been a sad cat over the last week or so, since we’ve had a heat wave and have had the house closed up.  She loves to hang out in our sun room (even when its 40C, crazy cat, and the sun room is probably ten degrees hotter than ambient temperature) or in open doorways so she can watch the world outside.  She’s an indoor cat, in case anyone is wondering.  She is also the biggest sook.

POTD 2013: Where I write

Writing nook cleaned and ready for the new year

I spent some time over the past few weeks tidying up the writing nook.  Which meant taking a whole lot of stuff down from my inspiration board, (mostly) clearing off the desk and putting up a new calendar and list of my goals for the year.  Also cracking open a shiny new Paperblanks diary for the year.

I still have some serious decluttering to do – the filing cabinet is a mess, and the basket things in the side of the desk are crammed full of everything that I’ve randomly chucked in.  There is also a very large pile of books leaning against the side of the desk that I need to lob at other people/get rid of in some fashion soon.  Despite that, it all feels good.  Ready for a year of getting work done in the word mines.

POTD 2013: Happy New Year!

Sunrise January 1st 20136:30am January 1st, 2013.

As close as I was getting to actual sunrise.  Feast on the glory of our weeds lawn.


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