Epic bedhead.
Tag: potd 2013 Page 2 of 3
In the mail today.
I started reading the Wheel of Time books back when I was at uni, probably in first year if I remember correctly (which was when I was 18). I am now 35, and I hold the last book in my hand.
I don’t read much epic fantasy at all these days, but for WoT, I make an exception. I am going back to the beginning and starting from book one. I could be a while.
Meet the old wall heater in our lounge room. As best as we can tell, it was installed when the house was built (1971). The people who lived here before us never used it in the ten years that they were here. I never dared to actually turn it on.
Enter the government’s gas appliance rectification program:
They came on Friday and removed the old heater, as well as the flue, gave us a new gas bayonet point and installed ventilation. We got a shiny new portable heater which we can actually move between rooms (and set to automatically come on in the morning before we get up – luxury!). On Saturday, the builder came and bricked up the hole in the wall and plastered it. We need to paint in the lounge room anyway (the whole house, really), so there’s no drama having the patched wall visible for a while.
The only annoying thing is that it’s the middle of summer and I have to wait months to use the new heater!
Got my Kickstarter rewards for The Girl Who Would Be King Kickstarter today. Very shiny indeed. Apologies for the terrible photo, it was horribly humid and hot all day today and my brain was melting out of my ears.