And here we are, somehow (almost) at the end of March. Where is this year going?
- I finished the zero draft of Never. Which is terrible, as all zero drafts ought to be, and littered with notes to myself on the things that I need to fix. I’m aiming to let it rest a little longer before I come back and start the next draft, but we’ll see where my head goes.
- I spent some time after that draft meandering about in the between projects abyss, but have just found my way into a short story that I’m writing to submit to an upcoming anthology. It may be one of the most depressing things I’ve ever written.
- I also finished editing the novella I’ve been working on for the last *mumblemumble* and have sent it off into the aether. I have no idea what its chances really are, but I have a massive amount of respect for the editor in whose virtual desk it rests.
- I got to announce that I’ll be part of the TOC of the upcoming Ticonderoga Press anthology Hear Me Roar with my story Broken Glass. I am so chuffed to be in this anthology, I don’t even have the words.
- And Escapement (one of my weird dystopia/steampunk series of stories, and the first to see publication) garnered a Tin Duck nomination in addition to its Ditmar nomination.
- A quieter month for me reviewing, since I’ve been devoting a chunk of my reading time to research for the short story I’m working on.
- Only one Netgalley review this month (though technically I also originally got an eARC of one of my AWW books from Netgalley, too): Aquila.
- Australian Women Writers (AWW) Challenge reviews: Graced by Amanda Pillar and Liesmith by Alis Franklin. Spoiler: I loved them both.
- I received my lovely hardcover copy of Cranky Ladies of History in the mail, which is on my pile-o-stuff to review soon. It is a truly beautiful book.
- I’ve been catching up on a lot of podcasts. Finally started (and finished) listening to Serial and started listening to Alisa Krasnostein’s new podcast Champagne and Socks. Champagne and Socks is really enjoyable – and I don’t even craft (yet!). I have wanted to learn to crochet for ages (though I don’t know how my fingers and wrists would hold up to it) and I should get back into knitting.
- And we have been playing a lot of Diablo III. Like, a lot. It’s just fun to play when my brain needs a break.
- I have been doing a lot of decluttering, including starting to get ruthless with books. I’ve long since run out of book shelf space (despite having a lot of it) and I have no choice but to get rid of stuff that I know I’ll never read. I also need a proper organisational system, since everything is everywhere. I did have books loosely shelves by genre, but that system broke down as shelves started to explode. I need Compactus shelving. And a librarian.