Because it has been too damn long since I picked up my camera.
Tag: photos
The view looking back along the Busselton Jetty, taken last week.
The last few months I haven’t been great about keeping up here. I have been blogging elsewhere privately, but most of that has just been noting the day-to-days. Dealing with a kid who has night terrors and nightmares. Dealing with recent exacerbations of chronic illness, and potentially developing new chronic illness (hooray…or something). And in the midst of that, writing.
I’m hoping to get back into some kind of a schedule. Also getting back to posting my links again, because that actually forces me to keep up with my rss feeds.
In news of the good, we managed to actually get away for our first family holiday – first down to Busselton for a few days, and then down to Gracetown to stay with a bunch of friends for a few more days. And oh gods, I didn’t realise how much easier it was to be on holidays with other families. The kids entertain themselves! We actually got to relax!! Sleep, not so much, for me, since I don’t sleep well away from home anyway, and the kidlet has some spectacular night terrors due to ending up overtired and overstimulated. The end result is that I now have a tonne of photos to go through.
I have Plans for the next year. Moving on with the writing, but moving on with other things as well. My OBOD work, reading and reviewing more, getting back to making jewellery and toying with the idea of learning a new craft. I can’t believe that this year is almost over. It hasn’t been a bad one, but I feel like I should have accomplished more. Life with chronic illness, though. You don’t always get that choice. And I am acutely aware, writing that, that I am seriously privileged when it comes to my illness. I have a husband who supports me, I don’t have to work outside the home, and my mother helps with the kidlet so I can write.
To celebrate my birthday this week we decided to take the kidlet to the zoo for the first time on Saturday.
I think he was more enamoured of the fact that we went on a bus, train and ferry to get there, and of the other kids at the zoo, than the animals themselves 😉 But he did like the meerkats and some of the small monkeys and he seemed to love the nocturnal house.
And – so cute – on the way home he turned around and asked “Go zoo again?”. Heh.
I took a bunch of photos that I need to spend some time processing, but here are a few: