Things which keep me grounded; the view from the kitchen: tea, geekery, a kidlet not eating his breakfast
This has been a hard week. Two lights lost to the world and moving beyond, two new holes in the world. I wish I could physically be at the memorials for both. My heart is there.
It feels somewhat wrong to be moving on (as it always does after a loss), but at the same time it feels right. The loss of anyone is a reminder of what matters, to value those things in life. To make our lives worthwhile.
I want to make my life mean something. To be a good mother to that amazing kid above. To be a good friend. To write something that fills a hole in someone else’s life.
I will do these things. I will make my time on this earth mean something.
On the mundane side, I have been keeping on with keeping on. Still keeping my chains unbroken, and this week finally getting around to trialling the Pomodoro technique. Much modified (which for me means that I pretty much only get one or two pomodoros in per day) but so far it’s working pretty well.
Some links for the week:
10 amazing real-world locations for fantasy worldbuilding.
Sometimes what feels like surrender isn’t surrender at all.
Dystopia and the ferris wheel effect.
Are the nutritionists lying to us?
Are we too obsessed with happiness?
The five best productivity methods.
On piracy and copyright and file sharing and free speech.