I am getting obsessed with Instagram again. One of many rainbows seen this week.
The total writing for this week: somewhere around 10k forward motion. I say somewhere, because I am shuffling some scenes around, which is totally out of my comfort zone (I am very much a writer of the linear persuasion) and I’ve lost count a little bit. Plus I did one day of outlining. Either way, I’m coming up on the 80k mark
Not many links this week, but here they are:
How to use Tumblr to grow an author platform.
13 ways to write with urgency.
Lisa L Hannett talks about knowing what you write.
Gender differences in fat metabolism.
Overtelling, overshowing, overselling.
Jodi Meadows continues her series on from idea to first draft with a post on characters.
Justine Larbalestier talks about how we can’t control anyone but ourselves.
Chuck Wendig asks how do you write what the audience wants to read?
Stress makes you sick by changing your genes.
How children learn: portraits of classrooms around the world.
How to clear your head, eliminate distractions, and finally write what makes you happy.
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